Wolof Course – Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Identifying People and Things
Lesson 1: Identifying Things
Video transcriptions, exercises, and explanations on identifying things
Identifying things (Ch_02_Le_01_1_things)
Identifying animals (Ch_02_Le_01_2_animals)
Things in the kitchen (Ch_02_Le_01_3_kitchen)
Naming fruits (Ch_02_Le_01_4_fruit)
Lesson 2: Introducing Oneself; Identifying People
Description and explanation of how to provide and ask personal information
Lesson 3: Where Are You From?
Video transcriptions, exercises, and explanations talking about people’s origins and occupations
Asking questions about people (Ch_02_Le_03_1_who_is_this)
Giving information about names, origins, and occupations (Ch_02_Le_03_2_introductions)
Lesson 4: Locations
Explanations and exercises about describing locations and asking about locations
Describing the locations of things (Ch_02_Le_04_1_loc_description)
Asking about the locations of things #1 (Ch_02_Le_04_1_loc_Q_and_A_1)
Asking about the locations of things #2 (Ch_02_Le_04_1_loc_Q_and_A_2)
Course Navigation:
Wolof Online Course: Front Page
Chapter 1: Sounds and Greetings
Chapter 2: Identifying People and Things
Chapter 3: ‘have’ and Perfective Sentences
Chapter 4: Numbers and Counting